ZERO WASTE - Pomocnik zerowaste/less waste Łódż

POLISH ONLY Od dłuższego już czasu interesuję się ideą zero waste/less waste. Staram się promować informacje niezbędne dla innych mogące ...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

2011/2012 the new adventure with au pair program

Here I am...
Recruitment Leader for Cultural Care Au Pair Poland (Warsaw).

Since June 2011 I've started to work for CCAP Poland, I prepare infomeeting for future au pairs, where I talk about the program and my own experience. It is amazing tha even I talk about my life as au pair in USA again and again it always keeps me smiling. I had such a wonderful time back in United States and I've always recommended to everybody do try it. Then, could image better job like that in this case? - Me neither!

here is the website and the facebook page for the CCAP in Poland:
CCAP (general):

If you or somebody from you lives near/in Warsaw and want to try or get to know more about the program call or email me:
- cell phone: 501 689 630
