Capitol Police Rescued Baby From Third Street Tunnel
Can you believe this article is about Mike, my host dad? He a true man of his proffesion (police officer). This one is only an artcicle, however, Kristy had made a video of Mike being interviewed.
"As the Third Street Tunnel was evacuated due to a bus fire Monday morning, a baby became locked inside a vehicle, but U.S. Capitol Police were there to help.
Capitol Police officers were nearby when the call went out for an explosion in the tunnel. A military-owned school bus being towed caught fire because of an apparent mechanical failure.
Initially, authorities turned motorists around inside the tunnel so they could drive out the other direction, but once drivers toward the back started abandoning their cars and taking their keys with them as they avoided the smoke, everyone left inside had to leave their vehicles behind.
That included a mother who accidentally locked her baby and her keys inside her vehicle.
An officer managed to bust out a window to get the child and return it to the mother.
That officer and two others received treatment for smoke inhalation at area hospitals."
Can you believe this article is about Mike, my host dad? He a true man of his proffesion (police officer). This one is only an artcicle, however, Kristy had made a video of Mike being interviewed.
>>>TV news<<<
You're awesome Mike!
1. There was a fire.If you think it was a fire of the TUNNEL save 9th word after the quotation, if you think it was a SCHOOL BUS save the 4th word after the quotation.
2. Who locked accidently the baby in the car? MOTHER(click here) or FATHER(click here);
2. Who locked accidently the baby in the car? MOTHER(click here) or FATHER(click here);
1. Był pożąr,.Jeślil uważasz,że był to pożar TUNELU zachowaj 9te słowo po cytacie, jeśli uważasz, że to był AUTOBUS SZKOLNY zachowaj 4th słowo po cytacie..
2. Kto przypakowo zamknął dziecko w samchodzie? MATKA(click here) czy OJCIEC(click here);
2. Kto przypakowo zamknął dziecko w samchodzie? MATKA(click here) czy OJCIEC(click here);
Czyli myślisz, że mój filmik się nadaje na publikację? ;P
Barszczyk - na jednym blogu czytałam, że dziewczyna wyjechała z CC, niby wszystko ok ale jak miała rematch, to pracownicy agencji stanęli po stronie rodzinki i w sumie jej zbytnio nie dali wyjaśnić sprawy - nie wiem czy to prawda, w każdym bądź razie trochę się wystraszyłam, poza tym na forum czytałam, że CC miało kilka niezbyt pozytywnych opinii
ale dzięki za info, teraz CC również powraca na listę agencji do wyboru ;)
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