ZERO WASTE - Pomocnik zerowaste/less waste Łódż

POLISH ONLY Od dłuższego już czasu interesuję się ideą zero waste/less waste. Staram się promować informacje niezbędne dla innych mogące ...

Monday, March 9, 2009


Everything started to melt. Casey ask me to go down the sled one more time. I agreed, we slided down right trough the muddy place, I realized quickly that it wasn't the best idea. Kids were fine, but I was covered with mud: my pants, my coat my back, very very muddy. It did not stop me to stay a little bit longer outside. thou.
Mason seemed to like more the areas were the snow was already gone.
'hey, what had happend to this guy?'
Meltdown, everything starts to fell of our snowguy. You can see how huge difference can be after one night. Pictures of Casey and snowpanda.


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