ZERO WASTE - Pomocnik zerowaste/less waste Łódż

POLISH ONLY Od dłuższego już czasu interesuję się ideą zero waste/less waste. Staram się promować informacje niezbędne dla innych mogące ...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Auuciii... that's hurt!!!

You will not believe that all this happen to me when I was trying get up from bed in the morning...

Image waking up with terrible cramp pain in your neck. I don't did I move to fast or something but after that I can not turn my head right, back and forward at all also I have difficulty in movig it left. I hope I will fell better tomorrow, if not I'm going to a doctor! It was really hard day! Kristy was working today in DC and I with both boys and Mason was so unhappy today and wants my hold him all the time. The worst thing was when during holding him I move my had and I started to fill the same painfull cramp like in the mornig, it was becouse I did not enything except the pain I did not know am I going to fall or to drop Mason. It was and it is so terrible!!!

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